Professional Live Broadcast Systems

Sports competitions, concerts, theater plays, political rallies, conferences, competitions, seminars and similar organizations can be professionally recorded with live broadcasting tools and can be recorded separately for up to 16 cameras.

With the experience of Champions League, Super League, Euro League, Oil Wrestling, Professional Wrestling and Boxing Nights, you can get the highest level of broadcast quality. With the on-site operation of MBD Production’s professional editors and technical team under the management of Bilgehan Demir, we carry out very special interviews, equipped with video visuals, and carry out elaborate works from start to finish. With our solution partners, we deliver even bigger projects live or on tape.

We can publish your broadcast on Youtube or similar platforms. Internet support is also among our services.


(We can support you with our semi-professional FHD and 4K supported portable live broadcast systems to use in your lower capacity projects.)

Portable Live Broadcast Systems

We wish good cooperation in advance.

Lets Make a Offer.

Our Equipment

Founded in August 2010, our company, MBD Prodüksiyon, continues delivering its services under the supervision of our founder, Mr.Bilgehan Demir. 0 850 885 57 57


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